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Myths and Facts
Driving examiners are only allowed to pass a certain number of pupils per week.
This is just not true. Perhaps this myth originates with those embarrassed by failure
trying to come up with a convincing reason for family and friends.
If you are up to driving test standard you will pass.
It's not meant to be easy, and the fact is that over 50% of candidates are just not
up to the standard required.
The examiners now ask you if your accompanying driver (eg your instructor)
can sit in the back of the car during your test. This is partly to encourage
transparency of standard.
I have never had a situation where someone failed who I thought, on the day, should have passed.
As with all exams, examiners don't fail you: you fail yourself.
Driving examiners enjoy failing learner drivers.
Examiners are professionals: their personal feelings do not enter into their assessment of you.
Also, they have their bosses to report to - an unusual or inexplicable number of passes
or failures would be looked into. It's easier for an examiner to give good news rather than bad,
and a pass means less paperwork for them because they won't see you again! ☺
There is a particular examiner who has tested me at the same test centre
several times and failed me because he does not like me.
It would be easy to blame a 'personality clash' for failure,
but again, driving examiners are professionals.
Personal feelings or prejudices are irrelevant.
An examiner whose work record showed an inclination to fail,
for example women or a particular ethnic group, would soon be spotted.
We would all like to blame someone else for our mistakes.
The only way you will eventually pass is if you take responsibility for your
performance and work hard to correct your faults.
Delaying the learning and taking the test until you are older.
From the statistics, the DSA says a pupil needs 2 hours driving tuition for every year of your age.
In other words, if you are 17 you will need about 34 hours,
and if you are 20 you will need 40 hours.
All in all, it is easier and cheaper to learn at the youngest age possible.
Anyone who has been back to school or learnt a new skill knows that learning
becomes more difficult as you get older
but I'm a granddad and understand the needs of older learners, too.
My father tells me he took only 8 hours of driving tuition and passed first time.
Well done Dad. But does this make you a more competent and safer driver?
I've had 17-year-olds pass first time after 12 hours of lessons.
I've also had 17-year-olds needing 50 hours of lessons.
It all depends on how quickly you learn and do what is required.
The test has grown to match the changing conditions on the roads.
Dad has been probably not noticed these changes.
There is an ever larger number of cars, more complicated traffic conditions and signs and routes to follow
all of which he can cope with due to many years of experience.
There is now also the theory test, reverse parking manoeuvres and the 'show and tell' section.
Years ago, a candidate would just be asked a few questions on the Highway Code.
Older drivers often acknowledge that they might have difficulty these days passing a test.
From statistics, the Driving Standards Agency states that a new learner driver needs a minimum of 45 hours
professional training with a further 22 hours of private practice.
You can console yourself that with a more serious, complex test,
you will be a much more competent driver in a shorter space of time than your father.
As soon as you pass, take him out on the road and impress him!
Or get him to book an hour with me for a free assessment of his driving.
Driving Schools make you take more lessons than you really need.
I certainly don't. I don't need to!
Anyway, it is not in any school's best interests to have lots of learners taking
lesson after lesson with no end result.
I want my former pupils to spread the word about their success!
I will give advice, but a rough guide is that
you are ready to take your test if you can drive for an hour
without the verbal aid or assistance of your instructor for any situation.
The DSA says that most people fail simply because they take the test before they are ready.
My experience is that people who put themselves in for the test before asking me
usually do not pass.
The minimum age for driving is going up to 18.
It is true that recently a government task force recommended that
driving lessons could begin at 17
but the driving test not taken until 18.
However, for that to happen would require an Act of Parliament,
which takes at least 2-3 years to become law.
So, no need to worry about this for a while.
The most common reasons for failing are:
Observation at junctions ‐ ineffective or bad observation and judgement.
Reverse Parking ‐ ineffective observation and/or lack of accuracy.
Use of Mirrors ‐ not checking often enough, and/or not acting on the information.
Reversing Round a Corner ‐ ineffective observation and/or lack of accuracy.
Incorrect use of Signals ‐ giving misleading signals, or forgetting to cancel them.
Moving away Safely ‐ ineffective observation.
Incorrect Positioning on the Road ‐ particularly at roundabouts and on bends.
Lack of Steering Control ‐ steering too early or too late.
Incorrect Position for turning right ‐ at junctions or one-way streets.
Inappropriate Speed ‐ driving too slowly or too quickly.
as reported by the Driving Standards Agency for the 12 months to January 2004.
As you can see, most are concerned with observation ‐
so the next time I nag you, you can see it's for a good reason ‐ Your safety!