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to teach you to drive automatic in the Aldershot/Guildford area
then look no further. Call or txt 07887895503.
Beginner and refresher lessons available.
Supervising a Learner
Some advice to experienced drivers on accompanying a Learner.
The best thing you can do if you want to supervise a learner is to talk to me.
If you cannot or do not want to talk to me
☹, then
there are a number of factors you may find it useful to consider.
Legal Obligations
Anyone who supervises a learner driver must have held a full GB licence
for the category being supervised for at least 3 years and be 21 years of age or over.
It is the learner's responsibility to check.
An offence against the regulations carries a penalty of a £400 fine,
discretionary disqualification or two penalty points. (Check current penalties)
"L" plates (or "D" plates in Wales) of the regulation size,
must be clearly visible within a reasonable distance from the front and rear of the vehicle,
which should be removed when the vehicle is being driven by a full licence holder
(except for a qualified driving instructor driving to, from or between lessons).
They should be fixed to the outside of the vehicle on as near a vertical surface as possible
and must not restrict visibility through any window.
Your Own Driving
The person you accompany will, in all probability, attempt to copy the way you drive,
if not while learning then after passing the test.
Nearly all of us have bad habits when driving ─ some more than others!
If you wish to avoid causing the learner problems, it is essential you take a look at your own driving
and ensure that you still keep to the rules and follow the correct procedures.
For example;
Changes to Technique
Depending on how long ago you learnt to drive, you may find that current techniques or procedures
are different from the one you learnt and probably always use.
Advances in technology have to some extent changed experts' views on the safest way to
control a car in certain situations. Should you consider changing your driving technique
to ensure your continued safety?
If you have any doubts or worries, feel free to discuss these with me.
I will be happy to explain the reasons behind any differences.
You are likely to cause the learner considerable confusion if you start to argue with them
or insist they do something your way.
ADIs are trained professionals and you are paying us
for our knowledge and expertise.
Changes to the test
In October 2011, changes were made to the test with the introduction of
Independent Driving.
This has replaced one manoeuver and involves the learner either following road signs to a particular
destination (eg London, M3) or a short series of turns (at end of road, turn left, take 2nd right and 3rd exit off the roundabout).
It does not matter if the route is not followed exactly as long as no one outside the car knows -
ie. the learner has correctly positioned the car, used mirrors and signalled for they way they have actually gone.
The examiner will get them back on the correct route as necessary.
More changes are on the way. Currently (August 2015) there is about a year to go on the trial of a new format
for driving tests. This includes driving in a particular area rather than having a fixed route and having
new manoeuvres - ie pulling up on the right hand side of the road and reversing straight back and driving
forwards into a parking space and reversing out safely. At the moment, these tests are being trialled
at some test centers (eg Farnborough) but no permanent changes will be made until at least August 2016 (if then!)
Any Driving Instructor will tell you that helping someone who is learning to drive can be frustrating and requires you to exercise considerable patience.
No two people learn at the same pace – some will master the controls with ease others may take many hours of practice.
Tension will nearly always slow a learner's progress, as will negative criticism that knocks their confidence.
Remember . . .
Be positive |
Offer encouragement |
Praise even small achievements |
DON'T SHOUT - anticipate a hazard |
Show patience with other road users
─ they may not allow for the fact that the car is being
driven by a learner driver. |
Be prepared to act early to prevent
danger developing. |
Give directions clearly and with
plenty of warning in order to give the learner time to
react safely. |