If you are looking for a friendly, experienced and honest person
to teach you to drive automatic in the Aldershot/Guildford area
then look no further. Call or txt 07887895503.
Beginner and refresher lessons available.
Code of Conduct
I adhere to the following Code of Practice which is based closely on the DSA's Code of Practice.
Personal Conduct
I will, at all times, behave in a professional manner towards clients.
All clients will be treated with respect and consideration.
I will try to avoid physical contact with a client except in an emergency or in the normal course of greeting.
Whilst reserving the right to decide against giving instruction,
I will not act in any way which contravenes legislation on discrimination.
Business Dealings
I will safeguard and account for any monies paid in advance by the client in respect of driving lessons,
test fees or for any other purpose and will make the details available to the clients on request.
I will check each client's entitlement to drive the vehicle and his or her ability to read a number plate
at the statutory distance at the beginning of the first lesson.
When presenting a client for the practical driving test,
I will ensure that the client has access to all the necessary documentation
to enable them to take the test and that the vehicle is roadworthy if using my training car.
I will advise clients when to apply for their theory and practical driving tests
(where appropriate), taking account of local waiting times and forecast of clients' potential
for achieving the driving test pass standard. I will not cancel or re-arrange a driving test
without the client's agreement. In the event of my decision to withhold the use of my car for
the driving test, sufficient notice will be given to the client, where possible,
to avoid loss of the DSA test fee.
I will at all times, to the best of my ability, endeavour to teach the client correct driving skills
according to DSA's recommended syllabus.
The advertising of driving tuition will be honest; all claims made are capable of verification
and comply with codes of practice set down by the Driving Standards Agency.
Advertising which refers to clients' pass rates will not be open to misinterpretation
and the basis on which the calculation is made will be made clear.
If you have any complaints, please contact me first.
If I cannot resolve the problem, then reference may be made to DSA's Registrar of Approved Driving Instructors
who will consider the matter and advise accordingly.
Should the Registrar not be able to settle the dispute, they may set up a panel, with representatives from the
DSI industry, to consider the matter further or advise that the matter should be referred to the courts
of another statutory body to be determined.
For further information or advice, contact:
The ADI Registrar
Driving Standards Agency
Stanley House
56 Talbot Street
Tel: 0115 901 2500
or me:
Phil Wilder
9 Brookfield Road
GU12 4UP
Tel: 01252 329062
Lessons cancelled or missed by the client with less that 48 hours' notice (excluding Sunday)
may incur payment of the full fee for the missed lesson and the next lesson before the start
of the next lesson or, in the case of pre-payment, will reduce the number of available hours
by the length of the missed lesson.
Lessons cancelled or missed by me may qualify for extra time for a future lesson.
Vehicle usage
My vehicles will be provided for a test provided I am satisfied that the safety of the driver,
the examiner and the vehicle will not be compromised. A charge of up to 3 hours will be made
for the test, which covers a lesson before the test, the hire of the car for the test itself and the return journey.